Friday, August 24, 2012

My Pudding

Holo!!! Yowa here, and this is a short post, I promise.  So yesterday I went to the orthodontists office (in New York City) and passed one of my favorite supermarkets.  (next to Hmart)  It's called Mitsuwa, and I think it's awesome!!!  At Mitsuwa, they sell.....

So yea.... I decided to take a few pictures of my luxury PUDDING

Yeps.... Mah PUDDING!!!!!!! Ah... it tasted so good while it lasted.... it came in packs of 3 and I have two siblings, so


Well, I promised a short post, so I'm going to end it here....

P.S. Thanks to IZU, I found out about the cursor switch thing.  When you move the cursor it leaves a trail of what you choose behind... there's a cool on and off switch under my followers thing.  

Well.... Catch ya later!!!

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